Tuesday, December 24, 2019

Holding Pattern

Quite a bit has changed since my last entry into the SWARTHOS Outbound PC blog.  I was able to transfer funds from an older, seldom used, ED account to my new PC... I think I'll just make a video update on this. 

- Incoming

Friday, December 6, 2019

Type 6 Transporter purchased & outfitted

First mission in my Type 6 Transporter which I've christened "BATTERY" in reference to my car battery being dead this morning and needing to be replaced.  I plan to use this vessel as a cargo/personnel transporter.  Once I've earned enough credits through various missions I then plan to purchase a Python (this is where the real money is made) and use it to haul cargo earning even more credits.

I desperately need to choose a Faction... I was strictly Alliance while on the Xbox and will probably go with them again.  I like their construct and mission selection.  I need to get over to Alliance space and find a good station to settle down in for awhile.  I think I know just where...


The purpose of this Blog is to function as my Elite Dangerous journal for my PC (Steam) account.  Not to be confused with my Xbox Elite Dangerous.  I've just recently purchased Elite Dangerous for play on the PC and am beginning to build my fleet and explore the stars.